From Monday 25 November to Friday 6 December, the total auction of all pigeons from 2023 and older from Nico Van Noordenne will take place.
Nico Van Noordenne has been at the top of Dutch pigeon sport for more than 20 years. Legends such as Torero (1. Nat. ace NPO middle distance 2004), Amazing 402 (5. Nat. ace NPO middle distance 2014), Amazing Surpise (1. NPO Tours 10,490 b.) & No Limit (1. prov. Creil 12,243 b.) became breeders of unprecedented allure after a rich career; In recent years their role has been taken over by super breeder Amazing Prince and his children Amazing 818 & Amazing 873. At EPA, Nico Van Noordenne will soon offer all pigeons from 2023 and older in auction, in addition by a group of youngsters from the best breeders and racers.
Some highlights of the sale: