On wednesday 23rd of October the following auctions will start:
Thomas Kornelius (DE) - Youngsters from the best breeders
In the field of One Loft Racing, the German from Östringen achieved world fame by winning the 1st final Golden Algarve OLR 2018 with Thomas 6... In auction Thomas 6 was sold to Mike Ganus who later also introduced the parents and other family. In a short time Thomas 6 proved to be a super breeder, just like his brothers and sisters. Grandchildren Thomas 6 have already won 2x 1st national in Europe and at least 5 different One Loft Races have been won, bred from brothers or sisters of Thomas 6. Before the parents of Thomas 6 were sent to the US, Kornelius was able to breed a few siblings. These have all become very good or potential breeders. Brother Thomas 225 is exceptional and became the father of 2x 1st prize against average +2,500 birds and 14th Ace Golden Algarve OLR 2023. His nest sister Thomas 224 is grandmother of 1st final Moledo OLR 2022. Now in auction at EPA, Kornelius offers 5 selected young birds bred from brothers, sisters and children of Thomas 6, including 2 children of Thomas 225… Great quality!
Latest news: 1st Ace Golden Algarve OLR 2024 (started with over 7,000 entries) from Team Eijerkamp - Wolf is bred from a brother of Thomas 6!
Goran Goran (CR) - Children and grandchildren Nestbrother Goed Grijs
As an expert for top pigeons, the Croatian Goran Gusak managed to purchase the nest brother of Goed Grijs from Leideman brothers a few years ago. A unique specimen that now plays the leading role on the lofts of Gusak. Nestbrother Goed Grijs turned out to be a super breeder with descendants winning 1st prizes and even a One Loft Race final. Gusak is now offering 2 direct children and 6 (double) grandchildren of Nestbrother Goed Grijs in auction at EPA. An edition in which the grizzle color takes center stage... All bred or inbred to the best of Leideman... The absolute top of the current generation sprint pigeons!
Stefan Haggenmüller (DE) - Youngsters from the best breeders
The German One Loft Race specialist from Kempten probably experienced the highlight of his career in 2020 by winning the 1st final Pattaya PIPR. In addition to the victory in Pattaya, other successes were also achieved, including 1st final Balkanic Fair Play OLR 2018, 1st Enduro Sprint ace Victoria Falls OLR 2022, 4th final Pattaya PIPR 2021, etc. Remarkable is that base breeder Koopman 631 (direct Koopman from Lorris ) is related to all these successes. In addition to the super performances of Haggenmüller himself, other fanciers also managed to succeed with the Haggenmüller pigeon, for example Ummbirka Loft (Qatar) won 1st ace & 3rd final Emirates OLR 2022 bred from a sister of 1st final Pattaya PIPR 2020. In auction at EPA, Haggenmüller only offers the very best from his loft with pigeons as sister 1st final Pattaya PIPR 2020, brother 4th final Pattaya PIPR 2021, daughter 1st final Balkanic Fair Play OLR 2018, brother 1st Enduro Sprint ace VFWCPR 2022, etc.