On wednesday 13th of November the following auctions will start:


SG Steffl (DE) - Youngsters from the best breeders

The father/son duo from Germany can be considered as one of the most dominant competitors in One Loft Racing in recent years. Final winners, Ace pigeons and other top results are becoming a regularity. In addition, they were able to receive dozens of top references from all over the world.

Base breedingpair is the Giant Pair which consist out of Algarve Gigant (1. Final Golden Algarve OLR 2015) x Königin Der Ostsee (1. Final Ostseerennen OLR 2015), their descendants won at least 14x 1. Final or Ace in different One Loft Races. Highlight of their career is winning 1. Final Golden Algarve OLR 2022 with Beocca and 1. Ace Golden Algarve OLR 2022 with Ealswith. Other recent top performances are winning 1. Super final Krakus OLR 2022 with Batman and 1. final Halkidiki OLR 2023 with Miss Thunderstorm.

In auction at EPA, Steffl only bring the very best from their loft, such as children from Giant Pair, Parents Beocca, Mother Ealswith, Batman, Moledo Master (1. Ace, 1. Semi final & 3. Final Moledo OLR 2019), My Murphy (top breeding son Murphy's Law De Bruijn), etc. The best One Loft Racing has to offer!


Eddy & Maarten Leutenez (BE) - Youngsters from the best breeders incl. the first child New Oscar ever to be offered in online internet auction with in addition a performance pigeon

In the lofts of Eddy & Maarten Leutenez, wonder pigeon New Oscar was born in 2023. A super racer that won 1. Nat. Chateauroux against 16,183 b. and was later crowned as 2. Nat. ace KBDB great middle distance YB 2023. Beside New Oscar, several other top racers were born in a short time from his parents White Eye Oscar (brother 1st Nat. Argenton 19,818 b. 2018 Oscar) x Eagle Jose (last child of base breeder Jose). Brothers and sisters New Oscar already won 5th prov. ace KBDB allround young YB 2022 & 5.-10.-12.-13.-15.-16. (I.)prov./Nat. Zone.

In auction at EPA, Leutenez brings a brother and the first child New Oscar ever to be offered in online internet auction, but also children from Den Brive (10. Nat. Brive 5,929 b. & (g.)father 4.-12.-18. Nat. ace KBDB & 1.-2.-4.-10. Nat./I.prov.), from Eagle Souillac (grandmother 4x 1. incl. 1. I.prov. Orleans 7,685 b. & halfsister New Oscar), from halfbrother x halfsister Oscar & White Eye Oscar, the last child ever in auction of Goudhaantje (13. Nat. Brive 11,130 b. and father 3. Ace + 5. Final Belgian Masters OLR 2014 & 7.-8.-8.-22. Nat.(Zone )/I.prov.) and the proven performance pigeon Miss Fontenay (from granddaughter White Eye Oscar). Top quality guaranteed!


Pieter Veenstra (NL) - Youngsters from the best breeders

For decades now, Pieter Veenstra has a place amongst the best fanciers in Dutch pigeon sport. He has always relied on cracks, including the legendary Mister Blue and Dolce Vita who became phenomenal breeders after a sensational racing career. Their role has recently been taken over by Return Flojo, one of the best SA Million Dollar racers ever and a renowned breeder worldwide. In 2024, several top performances were again achieved by winning among others, 1. Nat. Gray 8,428 b. & fastest of 15,803 b. with Hilde (granddaughter New Hurricane, Return Flojo & Miss Overegge), 2. NPO Charlevilles 7,225 b. (daughter Goddess Flojo) and 1. prov. & 9. Nat. ace NPO youngsters (granddaughter All in One).

In auction at EPA, Veenstra offers youngsters from the best breeders... Including from 1. Final & 2. Super ace VFWCPR All in One... From 1. Nat. Saulieu 6,782 b. Goddess Flojo (granddaughter Thomas 6 x Return Flojo)... From 12th Final PIPR Pattaya OLR 2021 & Grandfather 1. Ace & 2. final Superstar OLR 2024 Mister Pattaya... From son Creone Roeper (1. Nat. ace KBDB long distance 2020 & sold for €830,000 euro) & Return Flojo x daughter Geeloger (1. Nat. ace KBDB allround 2023 & sold for €450,000 euro)... From parents 1. prov. & 9. Nat. ace NPO youngsters 2024 (brother Olympic Pipa Rondags x daughter All in One)… From children 1. Nat. ace KBDB sprint Blizzard King Kittel (Flanders Collection) & Best Kittel II (PIPA Breeding)… Etc. Often in combination with the golden genes of Million Dollar race sensation Return Flojo or National ace pigeons!


Dominique Velghe (BE) - Blizzard King Kittel & Van Den Bulck Special

Over the years, Dominique Velghe built a fantastic colony of pigeons. Only investments were made in the very best that Belgian pigeon sport has to offer. Children and family of the exceptional 1. Nat. ace KBDB sprint 2021 Blizzard King Kittel were introduced and currently play a leading role in the lofts of Velghe. But also children and siblings of King Arthur, Olympic Kittel 006, La Machine, Miracle, etc. of Van Den Bulck. In auction at EPA, Velghe offers now 5 (double) grandchildren Blizzard King Kittel and 5 purebred Van Den Bulck youngsters... Great quality!