On Wednesday 8th of January the following auctions will start:
Ruud & Dolf Bakker (NL) - Youngsters from special couples
The colony of Ruud & Dolf Bakker has many qualities and possibilities; which has kept the father/son duo from Zoelen at the absolute top of Dutch pigeon racing for many years. Titles, NPO victories and ace pigeons are becoming a regularity. The introduction of Koopman pigeons but also extraordinary racer Valitas has resulted in the current base breeders such as Germiny (1. NPO Blois 2.316 b. & grandfather 8x 1. NPO/prov.), Gene (2x 1. Nat. ace EFS & 5x top 10 NPO), Artus (1. Nat. Issoudun 14.084 b. and father 1.-1.-2.-2. NPO/prov. & 8. Nat. ace NPO YB 2024), etc. New star on the breedingloft is Saraly who was able to win two different NPO victories in 2023 but also Germiny's Dream who won 1. Nat. ace middle & long distance (7 prizes) in 2022 and became mother and grandmother of 5. & 6. NPO Morlincourt 4,390 b. in 2024, both Saraly and Germiny's Dream are descendants of Germiny. In this fantastic auction Ruud & Dolf Bakker only bring the very best from their loft such as children children of Germiny, Artus, (father) Saraly, Germiny's Dream, Golden Phoenix (mother 1st-1st-2nd-2nd NPO/prov.), Son Germiny 223 (father 1st NPO La Ferte 4,435 b. & grandfather Germiny's Dream), Son Gershon x Naima 166 (father 1st prov. Sens 4,894 b.), etc… Top quality guaranteed!
Peter Rager (DE) - Leideman Special
Peter Rager is praised in Germany for the amount of top quality on the breeding lofts. Pigeons from Leideman brothers take an important place in it. Children of super stars such as Goed Grijs, Arturo, Tila, Olympic Wolfgang, Crack 19, Ace 820, Claire, Sia, etc. reside in Rager's lofts. At EPA, Rager is now taking a step towards the international public, with children of great pairings in auction... All related to the best of Leideman... The absolute top of the current generation sprint pigeons!
Harold Zwiers (NL) - Youngsters from the best breeders and racers
Harold Zwiers manages to live up to expectations year after year. In 2020, Zwiers experienced one of the highlights in his career with the super racer Robin. As a yearling, this hen won 5 different 1st national ace pigeon titles, including 1st Nat. Ace WHZB/TBOTB Marathon and 1st Nat. Bergerac against 25,628 birds. Robin moved to the breeding loft where she today can be considered as the new base breeding hen. Children and grandchildren have already won at least 5x top 10 and 20x top 100 Nat./NPO. In auction at EPA, Zwiers offers a wonderful selection of pigeons from the best breeders, almost all related to Robin... But also from New Red Japie (1st Nat. Ace Marathon 4 prizes 2021-2022 & 1.-17.-24.- 40. Nat./NPO)... From Miss St. Vincent (1st World Best Pigeon Marathon 2021 & 4.-5. Nat.)... From Jorg (1st Nat. St. Vincent 12,152 b.)... From Blue Lady (1st prov. / 11th Nat. ace pigeon & 13.-61.-81.-82. Nat.)... From children of 970 Bakhuis (1st Nat. Cahors 8,333 b. and brother Robin)... From children Red Dawn (1st Nat. Périgueux 7,102 b.)... etc. A unique opportunity for those who want to succeed on the Marathon races!
Winter Auction
It may happen that bidders cannot pay for their purchased pigeons for certain reasons... Another reason may be transport, which means that the pigeon cannot reach the customer within the acceptable time... This creates this Second Chance auction, pigeons of different origins, but always bred from winners, ace pigeons and proven lines. Top quality guaranteed!
Stefan Haggenmüller (DE) - Youngsters from the best One Loft Race breeders
The German One Loft Race specialist from Kempten probably experienced the highlight of his career in 2020 by winning the 1st final Pattaya PIPR. In addition to the victory in Pattaya, other successes were also achieved, including 1st final Balkanic Fair Play OLR 2018, 1st Enduro Sprint ace Victoria Falls OLR 2022, 4th final Pattaya PIPR 2021, etc. Remarkable is that base breeder Koopman 631 (direct Koopman from Lorris ) is related to all these successes. In addition to the super performances of Haggenmüller himself, other fanciers also managed to succeed with the Haggenmüller pigeon, for example Ummbirka Loft (Qatar) won 1st ace & 3rd final Emirates OLR 2022 bred from a sister of 1st final Pattaya PIPR 2020. In auction at EPA, Haggenmüller only offers the very best from his loft with pigeons as sister 1st final Pattaya PIPR 2020, brother 4th final Pattaya PIPR 2021, daughter 1st final Balkanic Fair Play OLR 2018, sister 1st Enduro Sprint ace VFWCPR 2022, from father 1. final Pattaya PIPR 2020 x mother 4. final Pattaya PIPR 2021, etc.
Ronald & Sietse Fokkinga (NL) - Youngsters from the best breeders
In 2021, Ronald and Sietse Fokkinga stole the show with the extraordinary racer National Pogacar. This resulted in winning several 1st Nat. ace titles including 1st Nat. ace WHZB/TBOTB long distance but he also won 1st NPO Issoudun 2.720 birds with a 9 minute lead. Not much later, National Pogacar was sold to Gerard Koopman who earlier this month sensationally the 1st final Pattaya PIPR 2025 against 6,101 pigeons won with the top prize of $218,500 US dollars. The winner is a double grandchild of National Pogacar which probably provide father and son Fokkinga the greatest reference of their career ever. Despite the fact that National Pogacar recently changed from owner again, his children and closely related family still take the leading role on the lofts at Fokkinga. In auction at EPA, Fokkinga offers 8 young birds bred from only the very best of their loft. Such as from Hallilujah's Hope (father 7th-8th-15th-24th-25th NPO & grandfather National Pogacar) x Olympic Vollering (Olympiad bird long distance Maastricht 2024 with 3x top 10 NPO/prov.)… From parents Olympic Vollering… From son x daughter National Pogacar (just like 1st Final Pattaya PIPR 2025) and from son National Pogacar x daughter Royal Dream (mother 7th NPO Arlon 5,912 b.)… Top quality for both, the normal racing program as well as the One Loft Races… A unique auction!