On Monday 9th of December the following auction will start:
EPA Platinum - Deluxe edition
Only a year ago, EPA launched its website. In a very short time, most European top suppliers decided to join the Dutch auction house, resulting in auctions of the highest level taking place every week. With the Christmas and New Year holidays approaching, EPA wants to shine one more time with the Platinum auction. A deluxe edition where 44 fanciers offer only the very best... Youngsters from the best breeders or racers... Collector items... or even last chances... Each one is a gem of rare quality. Platinum auction consists of 10 parts and pigeons from the following fanciers are offered: Jan Hooymans, Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp, Ruud & Dolf Bakker, Frans & Dirk Maris, Florian Hendriks, Demely Liliane, Simon Wolf, Hok Van Den Bruel, Harold Zwiers, Dieter Siebert, Robin Bakhuis, Jacky De Bruine, Bart & Nance Van Oeckel, Erik Limbourg, Sabrina Brugmans, Gert Rotman, L & W Flanders, Günter Prange, Hans-Paul Eßer, SG Steffl, Stephen Reynaerts, Khaled Altwaem, Pieter Veenstra, Goran Gusak, Miha Sovic, Team Van De Pasch, Nico Van Noordenne, Thomas Kornelius, Stefan Haggenmüller, Jos Adami, Sebastian Cimpaen, Marc & Geert Pollin, Gregory Tallieu, Zdenek Pavlik, Wil & Johan Boonen, Hendrik Wilpers, Loft Verstraete Pigeons, Eddy & Maarten Leutenez, PWA Van Der Meulen, Adri van de Linde, Will & Falco Ebben, Ronald & Sietse Fokkinga, Guy Van Der Auwera & Legend Pigeons Loft.