Erik Limbourg (Brussegem, BE) is a very well known name in pigeonsport for many decades. In the past years Erik found out a superbreeder in 593 Roeper which he bought in the total auction of Wolfgang Roeper. 593 Roeper became father to 13. Nat. ace KBDB GMD 2018, 6. Nat. ace KBDB allround 2021 (Sister Creone Roeper), 2. Nat. ace KBDB long distance YL 2021 (Laurence) and 1. Nat. ace KBDB long distance YL 2020 + 11. Nat. ace KBDB GMD YB 2019 (Creone Roeper). The current colony of Erik is mainly based on that last mentioned pigeon, Creone Roeper. This pigeon may have been sold, but there are still several (proven) siblings and children on the breedingloft. Another remarkable Limbourg breeder is Triple 5 Barcelona which might be considered as Belgium's all time best extreme long distance as he won 1. Belgian Olympiad bird extreme long distance Poznan 2019, 5. Nat. Barcelona 7.874 birds 2017, 5. Nat. Barcelona 7.441 birds 2018, 17. Nat. Perpignan 3.966 birds 2018, 30. Nat. Valence 6.843 birds 2017, ... Beside that a grandchild won 2. Nat. Agen 6.146 birds 2022. Triple 5 Barcelona's half brother named Black Magic won 1. Int. Perpignan 17.956 birds 2014.