Will & Falco Ebben (Boven Leeuwen, The Netherlands) are known to excel with a small colony of pigeons on the races from 100 till 650 km. They have impressive results on provincial level (17x 1. provincial) since they bought pigeons from Ad Schaerlaeckens. In addition, they have won many top 10 national championships.

The base breeder is Linus (NL16-1310994). He is a son of the base breeder hen Indy (NL13-1921958)  which won 6x 1. of which 2.-3.-4. NPO). Indy was bought as egg direct from Ad Schaerlaeckens. Before Linus went to the breeding loft, he won many early prices including 1. Nat. Châteaudun against 12.511 pigeons in 2018. 

Linus is father of a/o:

  • 1. prov. Chimay 9.272 birds 2023
  • 1. Quievrain 4.729 birds 2023
  • 1. Niergnies 2.664 birds 2022
  • 1. Gien 2.566 birds
  • 1. La Ferte St Aubin 1.275 birds 2022
  • 1. Morlincourt 909 birds 2020
  • 1. Olympiad birds middle distance Maastricht 2024
  • 1. Nat. ace middle distance De Allerbeste 2023
  • 1. prov. ace long distance section 8 2022
  • 2. Nat. ace long distance NPO 2022
  • 2. Nat. ace old birds De Allerbeste 2023
  • 3. Nat. allround De Allerbeste 2023


Linus is grandfather of a/o:

  • 1. Final AS Golden Winter 2024
  • 1. Semi-final AS Golden Winter 2024
  • 1. Semi-final AS Golden Winter 2023
  • 1. Extra final Avirings 2023
  • 1. Modia Kolweska 1.534 birds 2024
  • 1. Lowic-Just 1.311 birds 2024
  • 1. Gray 476 birds2024
  • 2. ace middle distance AS Golden Winter 2024
  • 3. Nat. ace youngsters NPO 2021
  • 4. Final AS Golden Winter OLR 2023
  • 9. Nat. ace youngsters NPO 2021
  • 9. ace middle distance AS Golden Winter 2024