Walter van der Meulen (Sirjansland, The Netherlands) has developed a strain of pigeons that can excel on the Barcelona race. Walter won 1. Nat. Barcelona 4.820 birds himself in 2023 and other fanciers bred out of original Van Der Meulen pigeons 1. Nat. Barcelona 3.912 birds The Netherlands 2018 (Jacky de Bruine) and 1. Nat. Barcelona 4.842 birds The Netherlands 2022 (Pieter Goeree). Beside the successes and references on Barcelona, Walter won 1. Nat. Bergerac against 24.043 birds in 2019. Most of todays top performances are related to base breeder Super Kweker 823 (NL05-0503823) which is largely united in the Van Der Meulen strain. Other offspring Super Kweker 823 won a.o. 1. NPO Bordeaux, 2. NPO Bordeaux, 7. Nat. Bordeaux 13.348 pigeons 2020, 8. Nat. Perpignan 5.589 pigeons 2015, 8. Nat. Bordeaux, 9. Int. ace Barcelona 2 years, 14. Nat. Barcelona, etc.