Jacky de Bruine (Niewerkerk, The Netherlands) focuses on racing extreme long distance races. His strain of pigeons is based on pigeons of Walter van der Meulen. Jacky won 1. Nat. Barcelona 3.912 birds (4. Int. 15.707 birds) in 2018 with El Cid. The family of El Cid did it very well in the year after with a.o. 14. Nat. Barcelona 4.919 birds 2021 (grandchild El Cid) and 48. Nat. Barcelona 4.919 birds 2021 (niece El Cid). Further won Jacky the 2. Nat Barcelona 4.129 birds (8. Int. 15.981 birds) in 2019 and 2. Nat. Tarbes 2.308 birds (10. Int. 10.246 birds) in 2022.