The father/son combination Tjeerd & Jouke Elzinga were unfortunately victims of theft in 2023. Many top pigeons were stolen. The combination still owns several quality pigeons, for example base breeder Hallilujah (NL15-1850078). Tjeerd & Jouke won this year the 1st NPO North Langres 3781 pigeons (2. NPO 6318 pigeons) with a grandchild Prince Esmee, Blue Harry and Olympic Marjolein. Their main breeder is Hallilujah (NL15-1850078), this cock was born from a co-breeding with Jan Hooymans (Harry x Elzinga base hen Esmee 1. Nat. ace WHZB TBOTB 2014 & 1. NPO Chalons).

Hallilujah is father of Prince Esmee:

    1. NPO Sens 4.666 birds & 1. Nat. section 8.762 birds 2018
    1. NPO Morlincourt 8.939 birds & 2. Nat. section 17.506 birds 2018
    2. Asse Zelik 4.122 birds

Prince Esmee is grandfather to:
    1. Best racer over final & semi final Golden Algarve one loft race 2022
    1. Boxmeer 7.574 birds
    1. Duffel 6.843 birds
    1. Boxmeer 4.955 birds
    1. Monforte 4.178 birds in Algarve OLR
    1. Arlon 2.278 birds
    1. Sittard 2.057 birds / 2. prov 20.003 birds
    1. Niergnies 1.329 birds
    1. Willingen 980 birds      
    1. Bierges 904 birds
    1. Venlo 903 birds
    1. Brienne 806 birds
    1. Issoudun 428 birds
    1. s-prov. acebird long distance 2022
    1. s-prov. acebird allround 2022
    1. acebird middle dist. Fed. 2022
    3. NPO Reims 6.036 birds
    5. final Algarve Golden race 2022
    8. NPO Issoudun 1.766 birds 
    9. NPO Issoudun 2.024 birds 
    10. NPO Entroeungt 5.152 birds

Hallilujah is father to Blue Star:
    3. NPO Morlincourt YB 7.348 birds / 5. Nat. 11.985 birds

Hallilujah is father to Courtney:
    5. NPO Morlincourt YB 7.348 birds

Hallilujah is father to Hallilujah’s Hope at Ronald & Sietse Fokkinga:
    Father of 512/18, 2x top 50 Nat. ace & 3x top 25 NPO
    Grandfather of National Pogacar, 1. Nat. ace long dist. WHZB/TBOTB 2021
    1. Nat. acebird long dist ‘De Allerbeste’ 2021
    1. Nat. acebird long distance ‘Eend. Fondspiegel’ 2021
    1. Nat. acebird midle/long distance PIPA Rankings 2021
    1. NPO Issoudun 2,720 birds with 9 min. lead & also 3.-16.-33. NPO