Hans-Paul Esser is a well known name in International pigeonsport for many years. From successes in program racing to one loft racing, nowadays the Esser pigeon has proven itself to be one of the very best. Foundation breeders are South African King (ZA09-0054708) and As 969 (DV05369-08-969). SA King was a super class racing cock and he is now an equally talented breeder. He was 5th best young bird in the RV in 2009, and he won 13 prizes one year later, while also winning the title of best one year old and second best cock in the RV. Today in 2023, SA King is still fertile. As 969 won 1. Nat. ace cock Germany 2010 and became Olympiad bird allround 2011. Both pigeons their offspring won many 1. prizes, National aces and Olympiad pigeons. Esser can be considered as the only fancier which was able to win 3 different Hot Spot races in Victoria Falls one loft race, but also winner of 2 Hot Spot races in SA Million Dollar race and another Hot Spot race in Pattaya one loft race 2021. The cherry on the cake was 'Conny's Dream Comes True' which won 1. final Victoria Falls one loft race 2023 by a breakaway lead of 45 minutes.