Hendrik Wilpers (Ahaus, DE) is one of the upcoming names in Dutch pigeonsport and oneloftracing. In 2022 he already was able to win 5. final Golden Algarve OLR 3.622 birds (first drop) & 11. semi final Golden Algarve OLR 4.276 birds (first drop). A very special addition to the Wilpers breedingloft is Euro's Legacy, this hen is inbred to Euro (Heremans) and won 1. Dutch World's Best Pigeon sprint 2022, 2. prov. Chimay 16.354 birds, 3. prov. Heusden Zolder 18.142 birds, 4. prov. Marche 10.531 birds, 7. prov. Weert 6.291 birds, 10. prov. Boxmeer 20.327 birds, 14. prov. Chimay 13.977 birds, 35. prov. Sittard 9.616 birds, etc. In 2023, Hendrik also was able to acquire Quatro Porsche, winner 1. Nat. Souillac against 4.827 birds 2023. Further the Wilpers colony is based on pigeons of PEC, PIPA Breeding, Batenburg v/d Merwe, Elzinga, Veenstra, ...