The father/son combination from Zoelen, NL has been successful for many years with the purpose to excel on the NPO one day long distance races. The colony is mainly based on their base breeder Valitas (NL08-1304438) which won 1.-2.-7.-10. NPO and the lines of C & G Koopman.
Current main breeder is Germany (NL15-1522947), this chequer cock was able to win 1. NPO Blois 2.316 b. '16, 3. NPO Bourges 14.226 b. '17, 6. NPO Bourges 4.118 b. '17, 18. NPO Issoudun 6.604 b. '17, etc. Grandchildren of Germany already managed it to win 1.-1.-1.-1.-1.-.1.-2.-2.-3.-5. NPO/prov., beside that his full brother Gene (NL15-1576743) also was an fantastic one day long distance performer by winning 5 times top 10 NPO.
Beside Germiny and Gene there is also Artus (NL17-1101069), this blue cock was an excellent one day long distance performer and won 1. Nat. Issoudun 14.084 birds 2019, 5. NPO Fay aux Loges 3.243 birds, 9. NPO Chateauroux 3.243 birds, 50. Nat. Vierzon 11.211 birds, 52. Nat. Bourges 16.658 birds, … Artus prove himself to not only be a excellent racer but also an extraordinary breeder. Direct children won amongst others 1. prov. Pont St. Max. 11.844 birds, 1. NPO Pont St. Max. 6.103 birds, 2. NPO Roye 6.987 birds, 2. NPO Salbirs 5.780 birds, …