Perpignan (Int.) 2023
Organisation: Belgische Verstandhouding
Date: 04 August 2023
Categories: Old birds
Basketing date: 31-07-2023
Liberation date: 07-08-2023 07:15
Coordinates: 42°36'23" / 2°58'48"
International Perpignan 2023 category Old birds is won by Bennie Homma (Balk, The Netherlands). The winner arrived tuesday at 15:36 CEST after flying 1160 km, achieving an average velocity of 1284 m/min, being the fastest one of 4.635 basketed pigeons (see related news for pictures and more info about the winner).
National Perpignan France 2023 category Old birds is won by Potelle Choquet (Hornaing). The winner arrived monday at 20:43 CEST after flying 863 km, achieving an average velocity of 1067 m/min, being the fastest one of 4.540 basketed pigeons.
National Perpignan Belgium 2023 category Old birds is won by Milovic Mirko & Darko (Essen). The winner arrived tuesday at 05:23 CEST after flying 991 km, achieving an average velocity of 1097 m/min, being the fastest one of 5.722 basketed pigeons.
In total 16.020 Old birds (Belgium: 5.722 b., Netherlands: 4.635 b., Germany: 857 b., France: 4.540 b., Luxembourg 41 b., England 225 b.) have been basketed for the International Perpignan race.
The pigeons has been released at 07:15 CEST. Weather conditions during liberation: nortwest wind, cloudy, rain, temperatures up to 25* degrees