
Valence II 2023

Organisation: Belgische Verstandhouding

Date: 24 June 2023

Categories: Old birds

Basketing date: 21-06-2023

Liberation date: 24-06-2023 06:45

Coordinates: 44°32'34" / 4°46'20"

National winner Belgium Old birds: Hendrickx Wim (Berlaar)

National Valence (Montélimar) Belgium 2023 category Old birds is won by Hendrickx Wim (Berlaar). The winner arrived saturday at 16:59 CEST after flying 683 km, achieving an average velocity of 1111 m/min, being the fastest one of 3.655 basketed pigeons. (see related news for pictures and more info about the winner).


Number of pigeons

In total 3.655 old birds have been basketed for Belgium's National Valence II (Montélimar) race. 


Release & weather

The pigeons has been released at 06:45 CEST. Weather conditions during liberation: north wind, good visibility, blue sky


Current weather report