
Chateauroux II 2023

Organisation: KBDB - RFCB

Date: 09 September 2023

Categories: Old birds, Young birds

Basketing date: 07-09-2023

Liberation date: 09-09-2023 08:00

Coordinates: 46°49'18" / 1°41'46"

National winner Belgium Young birds: Eddy & Maarten Leutenez (Ruien)

National Chateauroux II Belgium 2023 category Young birds is won by Eddy & Maarten Leutenez (Ruien). The winner arrived saturday at 12:58 CEST after flying 458 km, achieving an average velocity of 1535 m/min, being the fastest one of 14.183 Young birds and the total 16.537 basketed pigeons (see related news for pictures and more info about the winner).


National winner Belgium Old birds: Team Hooymans WVL (Desselgem)

National Chateauroux II Belgium 2023 category Old birds is won by Team Hooymans WVL (Desselgem). The winner arrived saturday at 13:06 CEST after flying 468 km, achieving an average velocity of 1527 m/min, being the fastest one of 2.354 Old birds.


Number of Pigeons

In total 16.537 pigeons (14.183 Young birds & 2.354 Old birds) have been basketed for Belgium's National Chateauroux II race. 


Release & weather

The pigeons has been released at 08:00 CEST. Weather conditions during liberation: blue sky, sout-southeast wind, good visibility, temperatures up to 30* degrees

Current weather report