Marc & Geert Pollin (Jabbeke, BE) perform for decades on a high level at different distances. The Pollin strain perform from 200 km till 1000 km. So was Michiel 1. Best Agen racer PIPA Ranking 2022-2023 by winning 2. Nat. Agen 7.331 birds (3. Int. 16.932 birds) 2022 and 2. Nat. Agen 5.851 birds (5. Int. 15.317 birds) 2023. They won 1. Nat. champion KBDB long distance yearlings 2022 and 2. Nat. champion KBDB extreme long distance old birds 2022. The pigeons of Pollin not only perform on the national races in Belgium, but also at the one loft races. Pollin won 1. final PIPR Pattaya International Pigeon Race (530 km) against 5.854 birds in 2024 with Faster Than a Bullet. All the Pollin main pigeons and their genes are united in Faster Than a Bullet her pedigree, among others: Dortmunder (Olympiad bird long distance 2009), New Belgian Pride (1. Nat. ace KBDB long distance 2015) and Brutus (1. BE Olympiad bird extreme long distance 2020).