Nico van Noordenne from Hardinxveld-Giessendam has been on the top of Dutch pigeonsport for many year. The base of his strain is based on pigeons from Ludo Claessens, Janssen brothers and family of super national ace Torero. Nico has won many first prizes on short and middle distances races in the big competitions. The current most important pigeon at Nico van Noordenne is Amazing 818 (NL18-5130818).

The Amazing 818 (NL18-5130818) won withing 4 weeks the following prizes:

  • 1. prov. Nanteuil 35.017 pigeons 2021
  • 1. Quievrain 3.699 pigeons (2. fastest of 12.060 pigeons) 2021
  • 1. Peronne 3.632 pigeons en 2021
  • 5. Lennik 3.679 pigeons 2021

He also won:

  • 3. Peronne 3.249 pigeons 2019
  • 4. Niergnies 3.283 pigeons 2020
  • 4. Quievrain 2.444 pigeons 2018
  • 5. Peronne 2.635 pigeons 2020

Amazing 818 became father and grandfather of:

  • 1. s-prov. Bierges 10.317 pigeons 2024 - K-Pop, direct son at Nico van Noordenne
  • 1. Nat Chateauroux 10.456 pigeons 2023 - Tango, granddaughter at G. & S. Verkerk

The most important sister of Amazing 818 is Amazing 873 (NL18-5130873). 

Amazing 873 won among others: 

  • 9. s-prov. Peronne 8.420 pigeons
  • 11. NPO Pontoise 15.317 pigeons
  • 21. prov. Pont St. Max 18.381 pigeons 

Amazing 873 is mother to winners:

  • 1. Pont St. Max 3.258 pigeons (14. NPO 33.687 pigeons) 2020
  • 2. Quievrain 3.699 pigeons 2021
  • 3. Roye 990 pigeons (27. NPO 20.172 pigeons) 2020
  • 4. Nanteuil 1.036 pigeons (31. NPO 12.658 pigeons) 2021
  • 4. Lennik 864 pigeons 2021
  • 6. Niergnies 3.283 pigeons 2020