Guy van der Auwera (Wuustwezel) achieved in 2019 the highest achievable title in Belgian pigeon sport, namely to win 1. Nat. ace KBDB great middle distance. The pigeon which made sure this success is named Special Black, her most important prizes are: 3. Nat. Issoudun 11.480 birds, 26. Nat. Bourges 10.393 birds, 29. Nat. Montlucon 14.104 birds, 53. Nat. Chateauroux 6.314 birds, etc. Her father is Black Hawk, 1. semi Nat. Vierzon 8.105 birds and son to Van Der Auwera base breeder Black Suger (father to at least 15x 1. & 9.-10.-16.-22. Nat.). Mother is B-Special, 1. Nat. Z Montlucon 3.494 birds, 8. Nat. Z Bourges 4.130 birds and granddaughter to Gladiator Geerinckx. Special Black is already mother to 1. Nat. Z Chateauroux 4.058 birds and grandmother to 2. Nat. ace NPO youngsters 2021. Another super line of Van Der Auwera is Super 481 (Or. Goovaerts), one of the Super 481 main offsprings is Breaveheart Junior, this halfbrother of B-Special won 1. semi prov. Ecouen 7.745 birds. Other stars on the breedingloft are: Mister Chateauroux (1. Nat. Z Chateauroux 3.850 birds), Leontientje (1. prov. ace KBDB long distance), Obsession (7x 1. prize, a.o. 1. fastest Melun 3.464 birds, 1. Sermaises 1.752 birds, 1. Noyon 1.659 birds & daughter Black Suger), Special Blue (1. fastest prov. Melun 16.671 birds & halfsister Special Black).