Rino Verheye (Aalbeke, BE) has proven to be one of the most consistant fanciers of west-flanders for several years. The main pigeon of the Verheye colony is Jommeke, this chequer cock won 1. prov. ace allround KBDB YL + old 2017, 1. prov. ace allround KBDB YB 2016, 1. Nat. ace youngsters LCB 2016, 13. Nat. ace small middle distance KBDB 2017, 1. prov. Chateauroux 3.084 birds 2017, 3. prov. Tours 1.637 birds 2017, 8. prov. Pontoise 17.902 birds 2016, 8. prov. Tours 3.414 birds 2017, 13.-15.-26.-36.-46. prov. Jommeke is father to 1. prov. Brionne 4.440 birds, 1. prov. Fontenay 2.232 birds, etc. In 2022 Rino had a super season with as highlight winning 2. Nat. ace KBDB long distance with Luigi. Other stars of the Verheye colony are among others Nathalia (1. prov. ace KBDB allround 2020), her sister Nathalie (mother 1. prov. La Souterraine 4.023 birds), Kissinger (1. prov. Fontenay 9.355 birds), Nesta (1. prov. ace KBDB allround 2021 & 1. prov. Issoudun 2.334 birds), etc.