As an expert of top pigeons, Dominique Velghe became probably the biggest collector of Van Den Bulck pigeons within Europe. Owning among others a big number children and siblings of 1. National ace KBDB sprint 2021 Blizzard King Kittel, 1. National ace KBDB sprint 2022 King Arthur, the top national ace KBDB sprint Miracle, Olympiad star & top OLR breeder Olympic Kittel 006, sensational double massive 1st prize winner Flying Dutchman and other special pigeons close related to Bulck icons Kittel and Olympic Rosita. Velghe also managed it to acquire in Leontien (1. Nat. ace small middle distance 2021) and Alicia (1. Belgian Olympiad bird cat. H 2020-2021 & 2. Nat. ace small middle distance 2021), both raced at Schroeven-Hermans.